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'Tis the final day of the DIY countdown. Here's the last V-Day card idea for your darling valentine, made with love and also recycled paper. Happy Valentine's Day!

You make my heart go vroom

The card: You make my heart go vroom (inspired by this card). Alternate title: You drive me crazy. You will need a toy car, some recycled paper (I used brown and pink), twine, a large needle, scissors, 3D foam tape, and a pen.

What to put inside: A gift certificate for a car wash. Or - if you live in a bustling metropolis and don't own a vehicle - a car rental confirmation for a romantic road trip! Don't forget the picnic basket (eco-friendly, of course)!

The science: This handmade valentine has a tiny car on it. Aw. According to a 2014 psychology study, cars look like their owners. And dogs look like their owners' cars. Bizarre. So when you buy the materials for this valentine, you will likely choose the toy car that most resembles your dog's adorable mug. Solid logic.

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